Author: keri marion
“Mill Coat” liner replacement
Mill Coat Project 12/30 Got all the pieces taped together and traced on to paper. Purchased some mustard polyester to replace lining. I think it will be a wonderful contrast to the grey: just like springtime. 1/02/23 Deconstructed the arm I had already set in because I had a dream I did it incorreectly, and…
Workroom Diaries 20210109
Bestway B2085 This project is still going fine, but overall I’ve gone completely rogue on the upper portion. I’m running low on yarn, so I may not be able to make it a mock turtleneck, or if I do, I’ll have to sub some other similar yarn. I still love it, but I’m looking forward…
Workroom Diaries 20211220
12/17/20 I finished one sleeve of the B2085, and now I need to seam it together and start the other one. I only knit it to the point where I last increased, so it’s missing some stitches, but I think that’s the right thing to do since I will join it at the round. I…
Workroom Diaries 20211212
12/10/21 Bestway B2085 Since I’ve essentially changed every single thing about this sweater, I had to also rewrite the directions into a stitch chart for the leaves. I used Google Sheets and arranged the cells into uniform “stitch-sized” boxes, then followed the written instructions to map it out. I didn’t hate it, but it was…
Workroom Diaries 20211206
12/2-12-5 2021 Two-Color Jumper The sweater is coming along nicely. I keep worrying that it will be too big, but then I test fit it, and it’s fine. The pattern only mentions that the sweater’s original dimensions should fit up to a 35″ bust and is 20″ in length with 4/5″ sleeves. I did a…
Workroom Diaries 20211130
November 24-29 11/24 Well, I have finally decided which pattern to make with this glorious yarn I bought at the fiber festival a couple weeks ago. I’ve started working the math for this 1940s pattern and cast on my first stitches. The original pattern is 80% too small for me, so I’ve worked out a…
Workroom Diaries 20211122
November 19-20 Aranami Shawl I finally finished knitting the Aranami Shawl which I started years ago, only to set down for some reason, then left it. For the past couple of weeks I’ve been plugging away at it and finally bound it off, washed, and blocked it. I’m developing the story for Outfit Of The…
Dude Duex Sweater: Finished
Oh my gosh, what a whirlwind this was to knit! I wish I would have blogged more about it along the way because I truly learned SO MUCH from this project. Firstly, and probably most importantly, I went 100% outside of my comfort zone and learned to steek. I will not lie: this was very…
Dude Deux Sweater: Casting On
Second Skill Set: Casting on. So this cast-on was entirely new to me. It’s called a tubular cast on, and it took me a few tries to get it right, as well as realizing halfway through that I had used the wrong needle and had to rrrrrrrippit back. The tubular cast on is pretty cool,…
Dude Deux Sweater: Botanical Dyes & Mathing
As has been noted, I am re-raveling the Dude Sweater for Justin using all one fiber and a new pattern which knits in the round, and is therefore straight knitting, not ribbed. This should be a lot more fun to knit, but it does stretch my skill set a little (as all good projects should).…
Dude Deux Sweater
I can’t believe I didn’t write (not even) one post about The Dude Sweater that I made for Justin a while back. I mean, this was an epic project that I had planned as a freaking Halloween costume gag, but ended up taking me two years, and now I just ripped it all back to…
Cape Cod Jam
As is tradition in our collective family, we went camping for “birthday week.” I guess it has been a while since we’ve camped at Cape Cod, what with a global pandemic and high anxiety and all, but this year we were able to make it back for a visit. The campground we like to visit…
Fool’s Spring
At the end of every winter in New England there is a period of time we sometimes call “fool’s spring,” which starts with an unseasonably glorious and warm day which makes you think actual spring has started. Today was that day. It was a sunny, warm, and delightful 63F by 11am today. We took advantage…
Pearl’s Quilt
One of the best things to come out of social media algorithms is how I fit Taproot Magazine‘s customer profile. This magazine really is everything I could want: it’s ad-free, crafty, visually appealing, well-written, and has lots of applications for household waste. It practically is me. In issue 40: Cure, was a small quilt project…
Well, I might have fallen in love with a new mending philosophy: Sashiko. I foresee a long, home-bound winter ahead. In preparation, I bought a subscription to Craftsy: partly because I’ve been meaning to and partly because they had a $5 sale for the year, so I could see if I would even use it.…