At the end of every winter in New England there is a period of time we sometimes call “fool’s spring,” which starts with an unseasonably glorious and warm day which makes you think actual spring has started. Today was that day.
It was a sunny, warm, and delightful 63F by 11am today. We took advantage of it because we’ve been fooled before. Our lighter clothes are still packed because tomorrow and the rest of the week won’t likely even reach 50F. And that is sad, but it is not, in fact, today.
No, friends. Today was spectacular.
First, we packed some crackers and seltzer and drove out to Daou’s Market in Fall River for their amazing toum, hummus, tabbouleh, and tahini sauce. We picked up a few staples, too, but the idea was to have lunch at Colt State Park in Bristol.
In the fall, we had found a wild asparagus nearby, so we went to check on it, but I guess it’s a little too early. I had marked it specifically on a map, but our pinpoint was nothing but a pile of segmented straw, so we know two things: either the thing we found was not asparagus or it’s too early. We’ll check back in a few weeks.
Then we took a walk near Coggeshall Farm. It’s closed up right now, but it’s still beautiful.
We found some skunk cabbage and some polypore (I think small Turkey Tail) growing on a stump. It seemed fitting, really: the emerging of spring on one side of the road; on the other, the lingering autumnal gifts.
I hope your day was equally as lovely, and if it wasn’t today, I hope it is tomorrow.
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