I found this potentially awesome sweater at Savers a little while back.

The thing was that it had these really weird knit long sleeves which didn’t really match anything. It is black (good), with cool embroidery along the upper chest (very good), but wow: who authorized these strange sleeves?
I wish I had a photo of it in its original state, but I don’t. This is the best I can do:

The collar was the weird sleeve knit, too, so I cut the sleeves at about 4″ on top, but about 3 on the bottom, then tucked them under and hemmed to match the collar while giving slight cap.

It looks kind of boxy on the ironing board, but it’s really fitted, flattering, and super comfortable.
I think I paid around $4 for the sweater, and the alteration took me about 20 minutes total. I used a serger on the cuts, then hand-stitched to the seams on the inside. now the sleeves match the collar.
I tried to get a decent photo of me wearing it, but I’m way too tired and cranky to continue to try. I will work on the methods that others use to take outfit selfies. It looks kind of boxy on the ironing board, but it’s really fitted, flattering, and super comfortable.
On another note: I just found out Gertie has a new book, and I’m ordering it tonight.

These all claim to be “jiffy” dresses, so we’ll just see. At work, we have these big tables with lots of space around them. I brought my spare, portable sewing machine to work, and I’m building a traveling sewing case so I can cut and baste patterns there and bring home to fit & stitch. More soon!
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