I’m sure I’ve mentioned it in past posts, but it’s hot. I mean real hot.
Additionally, it’s been that Covid hot that disallows visits to the beach, or anywhere, really, because people are such asshats you can’t go anywhere without them breathing all over you.
Add to it a stomachache which can only be healed by ginger.
I can’t fathom turning on the oven, so we went to the store and got gingersnaps pre-made. Today is not the day I feel like beating myself up over it, though I did look up a few recipes, then just decided store-bought was fine.
We looked for a ginger-based frozen delight, preferably non-dairy, but I guess it’s the one flavor everyone forgot about, so…
…we had some bananas already sliced and frozen at home and we thought we’d just make some banana nice cream with some candied ginger. It was a good move.
Okay, so we started out by cooking up a hefty thumb of ginger (about 14g), peeled and sliced on the stove with just enough water to cover. After it boiled and steeped, I added approximately 1 tbs of white sugar, let that cook down to a syrup, then put the pot and all in the freezer to cool.

After the ginger cooled, we put it in the food processor with a little bit of cashew milk to get it moving.

We pulsed that a few times, just to get a rough chop, but because we were making such a small batch, we had to toss in some bananas to get the ginger finer.

Then we pulse and scrape until all the ingredients come to a mixture resembling soft-serve ice cream.

Then we used a very small scoop and quickly worked to make about a dozen sandwiches that looked like this:

Because it’s so warm, I think when we make these again, I’ll freeze everything ahead of time before assembly. I think I would like to make my own gingersnaps, too. These are fine, but, you know, they’re not homemade.
I’m really not sure why there’s no ginger ice cream on the market, but there really ought to be. Tomorrow, we’re thinking we’ll make another batch of nice cream, and freeze into popsicles.
The cookies are about 30 calories each, and the ice cream is essentially one nibble of banana and some ginger, my guess is these sandwiches would only be about 70 or so calories each. I guess they’re kind of a heavy calorie load for a small treat, but not much different than stuffed dates.
At least now all those cookies are tied up in the freezer.
If you’ve never made banana nice cream before, please try it. It’s surprisingly delicious, packs a very low calorie load, satisfies whatever ice cream need you might have, and can be manipulated to be almost any flavor profile you can imagine.
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