Desayuno Dia Uno



Pancake Week: Day One

Justin & I have been keeping added sugars out of our diet for the past couple of weeks, so I thought that Pancake Week , this year, might prove to be difficult. So far, I stand corrected.

When I got up this morning I spied two yellow squash that we’ve been meaning to eat for almost a week. I thought to make squash bread of them, but that required sugar. Squash pie? Sugar.


Yellow squash & feta pancakes with parsley, shallots & garlic.

 I quickly looked up a squash pancake recipe online and realized it was pretty much like a latke, so I prepared it as such. I spiral-cut the squash, added some minced parsley, shallots and garlic and then feta and one egg. On the cast iron, I used about 1T olive oil and pan fried them. They were not crispy, but soft, warm and amazing! 

Yellow squash & feta pancakes with parsley, shallots & garlic.

I served the pancakes with cinnamon raisin sourdough, orange wedges & stiff coffee. Hello Pancake Week!

Yellow squash & feta pancakes with parsley, shallots & garlic.

See you tomorrow!


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