Day 4: The Veganing


Yield appx 8 three-inch pancakes.

We like pancakes, and we definitely like pancakes made from scratch. I am not at all a pancake-from-a-box eater because a) they’re gross,  b) pre-made mixes are overpriced and c) I don’t have as much control over the ingredients. Luckily, pancakes are one of those things that are very simple to make and require no special equipment for non-vegans, and really, not for vegans, either, but because I like to grind my flax seeds fresh, I require a blender.

I also use a cast iron pan because I’m me, and that’s what I use. I do not use a microwave for any reason, but if you do, you can use it to warm your syrup (I keep mine refrigerated because it’s maple, but I’m not sure if all syrups require refrigeration). If (like me) you don’t have a microwave, or you don’t feel like using the extra energy to operate it, you can pour some syrup in a mug or small pitcher and just place it near the burner (indirect heat), and it will warm the syrup while you cook the pancakes. It’s one of my favorite tricks.

Also, I’m holding Justin hostage to my newest restriction: oil.  I saw a bunch of “fluffy vegan pancake” recipes online that called for 1/4-to-1/3C oil (no!) in the batter, so I simply made up my own based on my experienced past pancaking. Because I use well-seasoned cast iron, I don’t need to use a lot of oil. And by “not a lot” I mean about 1/4 teaspoon for the entire batch.

  • 1T freshly ground flax seed + 3T hot water; allow to sit for a minute or two  (if you eat eggs, this would be equivalent to one whole)
  • 1/2C or so non-dairy milk or water, alternated bit by bit with:
  • 2/3C (or so) All Purpose flour (unbleached, not bromated)
  • 1t bourbon vanilla (you can use regular vanilla, but why?)
  • 1t baking powder
  • 1/4t salt

pancake1Lightly oil a skillet or use a treated non-stick if that’s your game. The idea is to use as little oil as possible.

Mix ingredients one at a time in the order listed. Let rest for the time it takes to heat your pan; meanwhile, warm some maple syrup in your favorite syrup vessel by placing said vessel near the pan (or in a microwave if that’s your style).

Portion by using a 1/4c measure to “ladle” mixture onto hot pan (should sizzle drops of water). Flip cakes when center bubbles. Serve straight-away.


Lunch: Garden Wrap

lunchwrap_unrolled lunchwrap_final

For lunch today, Justin made a simple wrap. I don’t think it calls for a true recipe, but here’s how we did it:

First, heat a griddle or skillet for warming the tortilla. When you warm it, it gets super stretchy, so you can really wrap it tightly, and none o’your good business falls to the floor.  For this wrap, we spread some Urban Garlic Vegan Cheese with home-sprouted alfalfa sprouts, homemade jalapeno vinegar pickles, avocado, and tomato. We thought some green olives would be a nice addition, too, but we didn’t have any. I also thought a tahini garlic sauce would be nice if we hadn’t any of the cheese. It was quick, simple and perfectly satisfying.

As promised: Spaghetti with Devil Breath Garlic Bread


Crock Pot sauce:

  • 1 good-sized onion
  • 1 28oz can of pureed tomatoes (I prefer fresh, but it’s a bit early for garden tomatoes, and grocery store tomatoes are either too bland or mealy for me to deal with right now)
  • 4 or 5 big mushrooms
  • 2 big cloves garlic
  • 1t ground fennel
  • 1T paprika
  • 1T “Italian” herbs (from Seven Arrows Farm)
  • 1T sage
  • 1t “pepper surprise”  (you can sub any kind of dried, ground, spicy pepper or mix)
  • 1t kosher salt
  • 1 can of olives (optional, but delicious if you’ve got them)

“Sautee” onion in water on the stove; put with everything else in crockpot on high for as many hours as you like (we did 6). Add water as necessary to thin. Taste to adjust herbs as you like them, and go about your day.  Serve over pasta or spiralized vegetables.

Devil Breath Garlic Bread

Broil until golden; serve.

I’m not sure what’s on the menu for tomorrow. There’s a Rhode Island Vegan Awareness benefit thing happening at around the same time I get out of work, so I may drop in and see what’s happening.  If I can get photos, I will!


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