I was planning to help a friend make a Gertie swirl dress yesterday, but I think her day must have gotten away from her, so I started without her.
Friday night, I cut and prepped all the pieces. I meant to photograph it, but it was hot, and my place is small; I just didn’t have it in me to contort. I’m trying to configure a space for cutting. I’ll let you know when I’ve figured it out.
Having everything prepped the night before gave me the opportunity to build the dress quickly. Since prepping is my least favorite part of sewing, I typically like to get it all done at one time, so there can just be one fun construction session. It’s so satisfying.

I ironed on a K, which I am wont to do, then was fishing out some scraps to make the pockets, when I found these weird scraps with a triangle cut out.

I’m a big fan of patch pockets. I’m not as good at them as I’d like yet, but I love all the options of a patch pocket.
I played around to see if I could fit a bottom contrasted piece, and it ended up looking really cool!
After my fitting, I realized the back gaped a lot. I sought some advice on the Gertie Facebook group, and ended up altering the pattern down about an inch. I took in the two back panels near the ties about the same amount, and now it fits perfectly.
Altogether, I think the dress took about 7 hours from cut to finish, not including the 24-hour hang time for the hem. I I hand-hemmed it Sunday night.

Now it’s back to making masks (and of course one to match!), and maybe another swirl tomorrow.

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